Here we are - a new year, a new decade (hello to my 40's!) and a new mindset! :)
I'm still plugging away as a FitAzFk ambassador - and it's been such a game changer for me over the years. I'm not into quick fixes, and I'm here for the long haul.
Friday, 30 August 2024
Finding Myself,
Girl Mama,
Operation: Healthy
Okay cruise lovers, you're going to LOVE this post!
Monday, 13 November 2023
Aussie Reviews,
It's been some time since I posted here, because I've been flat out working on my social media pages.
If you're still following along, hello! If you're new here, welcome!
The girls are growing like crazy - Emma is almost 2, Amelia is creeping towards 4, Claire is 7 and Georgia is 10.5 and well on her way to becoming a sassy teenager.
Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Sunday, 12 February 2023
How is it that time seems to get faster and faster with every little one you have? It's extra bittersweet when they're your last baby - Emma will be one in three weeks, and I'm not sure my heart can handle it!
Tuesday, 1 November 2022
Baby #4,
Baby E,
Baby Stuff,
Mum Life,
Playing Grown Up
If you're a new (or old!) Mama, or just someone looking to get their fitness and their energy back, definitely check out FitAzFk - it's been such a game changer for me!
By signing up, you'll get access to 6 months of the app itself - full of fitness workouts to do at home, meals to try, and the facebook group accountability. The workouts are 5 days a week, 28 minutes long - so definitely achievable, especially if you are time poor like me. If you sign up for the TRANSFORM challenges, you'll have 8 weeks all planned out for you - it's amazing.
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Aussie Reviews,
It's All About Me,
Operation: Healthy,
plus sized
Emma is seven months old, and still breastfeeds like an absolute champ! I'm very lucky in that all four of my babies have fed well (even through some initial hiccups like premature births and tongue ties!) - I've been at this nursing gig for some time now. I wonder how many hours I've been feeding over the last decade - I think it would be a pretty impressive figure!
I was so pleased when the lovely team at Cake Maternity reached out to see if I'd be interested in trying and reviewing some of their favourite nursing bras. I've followed their brand for some time now, but hadn't had the chance to purchase - so this opportunity was perfect. Before we start, here's a little about the brand: Cake Maternity are nursing bra specialists who are passionate about breastfeeding and the many benefits it offers to both mum, bub and the environment. Breastfeeding, whilst natural, doesn’t always come naturally and they understand that every woman’s experience is different and at times challenging. Their mission is to empower women as they mindfully navigate the world of motherhood and help make breastfeeding easier, through experience-driven innovation.
When you're breastfeeding, it's important to choose bras that are not only supportive, but also comfortable - if there's one time in your life you're going to be up close & personal with your breasts, it's now! After confirming my measurements and using the fit guide, we narrowed down the selection to three styles:
Breathe Gently was provided with a complimentary selection of nursing bras from Cake Maternity for review - all reviews are my own. If you are interested in a product review appearing on Breathe Gently, please email me. #gifted
You can also get in touch with me via my @mamajags Instagram page.
Sunday, 3 July 2022
Aussie Reviews,
Baby E,
Baby Stuff,
Bloggity Blog Blog,
Brand Repping,
Take a Picture
‘I do it myself, mama!’
The phrase that makes all parents, even seasoned ones who have been around the block a few times, cringe and beam at the same time. You celebrate the fact that your little one is growing up and learning new skills.. but you feel your already stretched patience bursting at the seams.
Thursday, 16 June 2022
Baby A,
Playing Grown Up,
It’s the end of an era. There will be no more babies in this household.
I’ve thrown out the expired ovulation kits, the clunky old fertility monitor, the countless pee cups and even the stash of IVF medications living in my back fridge that I was too superstitious to discard until now.This week marks the official end of our journey to parenthood. Now, it’s all about the journey THROUGH parenthood.
To those still struggling, hoping, grieving or worrying, you are strong. I’ll never forget this phase of our lives - where it taught us to be bigger, stronger, wiser, kinder on a path that nobody should have to face.
To those who supported me over the years, the excitement, the frustration, the jealousy. Through the darkest days of my life. Through the most joyous days of my life. To the ones who sobbed with me after we lost our babies. To the ones who cheered on a positive ovulation stick, who picked me up after yet another failed cycle. To the ones who celebrated our pregnancies even while going through their own journeys. You are the strong ones.
I will hug my girls tight every single day, and know that I’m going to raise them into their own strong warrior women, who will know how much we fought for them, and how much we love them.
Friday, 11 March 2022
Aussie Reviews,
Baby #4,
Everyday Life,
Girl Mama,
Do your kids love to draw? If you've got a Creative Kid like Georgia, you need to check out the Wacom Intous - it's the perfect tool to get those imaginations running! We've been playing with it this past week, and it's been an absolute breeze to use.
All you need to do is connect your Intuos pen tablet to your PC or Mac, get your kiddos all set up, and you're good to go! It's a great, visual way for your kiddos to create, draw and explore, and really encourages creativity.
You can start simple with younger kids, and take it to the next levels when your children are older - the options are endless! Georgia decided to draw up her own pamphlet on looking after the ocean... completely of her own accord. It was a great conversation starter too!
Did you know you can use your $100 Creative Kids Voucher on a Wacom Intuos of your own?
Now's the perfect time to redeem it before the year runs out. Make sure you visit Wacom Australia and snap one up today - what will your tiny humans create on theirs?
You can also get in touch with me via my @mamajags Instagram page.
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Aussie Reviews,
Baby Gear,
Big School,
Bloggity Blog Blog,
Brand Repping,
Take a Picture