Everybody loves Jelly

Fundraising is fun.

Yes, it is! Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 are going on a sports and fitness excursion next week by bus, into Olympic Park (at Homebush, yes, where the Olympics were held, funny that!) Because the school is not in a very well-to-do area, we decided to do some fundraising to subsidise the costs.

What does that mean, exactly?

Fundraising !!!

We decided to make lite jelly, and air popped popcorn - hey, we're trying to teach them healthy eating here! Better than the spider drinks (with soft drink -groan-) that the other teachers used for fundraising. Plus, we're having a disco on Thursday, sure to be a hit. Nothing like a little Hi-5 to perk anyone up.

So last night, a few of the teachers on our wing stayed back late, mixing jelly cups and playing with those little popcorn machines (so cool!) so we were all ready for today. And they were great! 50c for a bag of popcorn, and 50c for a jelly cup. Good times! Plus, the food didn't make the kids go hyper, so it was a good day.

We made over $100, which was cool.

I've decided to do my own fundraiser. For the Aly Still Owes Over Ten Thousand Dollars On A Car Loan fund. That's ASOOTTDOACL for short.

I'll be making jelly cups. And popcorn. Get your coins ready, people.

1 Comments • Labels:  


LaLa said...

Put me down for $5 worth or each, sounds tops!

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