Thursday 30 November 2006

A Historic Moment (Part 2)

Guess what, everyone?

Right now, in the wee hours of the morning, my blog has just completed the NaBloPoMo challenge. All thirty days, with absolutely NO forgetting or YouTube videos.

Did you read that?


I'm so excited, I may pee. Watch your shoes there.


Alright, I'm done being a twit and copying yesterday's format.

But I really did make it!! And I'm psyched that my 1000 (and add another 20!) comments got in before November was over. It's been fun. And I hope the randomizer still works after everyone gets done with NaBloPoMo because I want to keep on stalking random people. Thanks Mrs K. for all your work in organising this month.

If only one of the prizes were an "I finished NaBloPoMo 06 and all I got was this lousy t-shirt." I'd be buying that in a heartbeat. Congratulations to all the rest of the bloggers out there who finished. Group hugs!

(Oh yes? The sunburn? One shoulder is actually a full blown BURN. As in, nearly a week later it is still catastrophically tomato red and hurts to touch or sleep on. I went to the doctor yesterday who scolded me like I was twelve years old for letting my pale ass go in the sun and WHY OH WHY wasn't I wearing a collared shirt and what about the children? Were they using this dodgy sunscreen too? WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN? Scary doctor. But funny. Very funny.)

(I'm now banned from standing in the sun for longer than oh, 2 seconds at a time. And I'm not allowed to take my sports team out on Friday. Bummer. I can't just do something half-heartedly now, can I?)

(You should see the grossness of the skin blisters. Lucky I spared you the picture of me in my bra. Although it WAS a sexy bra. That's all, folks.)

30 days down - WE MADE IT!


  1. i don't know how, but i totally missed the "i may pee, watch your shoes" joke the first time, and so i was cracking up reading it just now. also, what the heck are you wearing in this picture? it still looks like sexy underwear of some sort, even if it's not a bra. very scandalous, missy...

    also, now that nablopomo is done, does that mean you won't be posting every day anymore? what will i do with myself? how will i go on without constant aly posts?

  2. If only I were in your time zone! Damn it! I still have 2 posts to go!!! I found your blog from Sarah Says. I love Australia by the way, I studied in Melbourne for a semester in college. Anyway, congrats on nablopomo. I am so jealous!

  3. It's almost over, it's almost over...
    Yay! WTG for sticking it out for the entire 30 days. I think we all deserve a 30 day break after this :o)

  4. Yeah!!!! Congratulations! And yeah, those blisters don't look very fun, but the top is pretty! :D

  5. Awww @ your burns. You really werent kidding were you! I hope you're rubbing aloe vera in to the burns!! I hope it gets better soon. Last year I burned the back AND front of my legs/knees and wasnt able to sit down for almost 2 weeks. It was so painful, I couldnt even move! I feel your pain.

  6. In the small version of that picture, you actually look very tanned. In the middle, anyway. The sides still look very red and blistered.

    You have reminded me that I, too, own a pink satin nightie. Mine doesn't have black lace though. I'll have to find it.

  7. Wow, you made it. I didn't. Looking back, I realized a little too late that I didn't even post on November 1st. So I guess I was out of the running straight off the bat. Oh well. It was still fun trying to post everyday. I used to post about 3 times a week, so I still posted way more than usual.

    I hope your skin feels better soon. That Australian sun must be harsh. Speaking of Australian sun, have you ever watched McLeod's daughters? I used to watch it until they took it off the air. I miss it. I've been wanting the DVD sets, but they're so expensive.

  8. Yea! We finished! Your burn looks so painful. And I can honestly say that I feel your pain as I was just there this past summer. It was terrible, the burn, the scolding from the dr., the pain from sleeping...all of it!!!

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