Wednesday 29 November 2006

A Historic Moment

Guess what, everyone?

In the wee hours of last night when not a creature was stirring (not even a mouse!) my blog recieved its 1000th comment.

Did you read that?

I'm so excited, I may pee. Watch your shoes there.

Starting this blog was one of the best things I've done. It gave me a fresh outlet to write out my ramblings, and it led me to some really amazing people - people whose lives I read about and experience just through words. It's pretty darned exciting.

I think NaBloPoMo is to blame for the 1000 comments, because of all the wonderful readers and randomizer lurkers out there. Even after 1000 of them (and yes, obviously I am hyper about this since I have mentioned that number at least, oh, 1000 times?) I still bounce with joy when I see my Typepad comment emails in my inbox before work. I'm so lame!

Thanks everyone for making my day, and right before December too. Perfect timing. Here's to commenting, to blog love, to you guys reading, and to 1000 more. Cheers!

(And yes, LALA, it was you! Hoorah!)


  1. Congrats!

    OMG, it's a "happy 1000 comments!" entry. This is such a Lexc moment *wipes a tear*

  2. Wow! That is a milestone!! Congratulations :) Now to shoot for 2000....

  3. now i'm depressed
    i've had my blog a year longer than you and still not quite at that milestone *stamps foot* comment damn you comment !!!!

  4. congrats! sorry I have been a bad, bad commenter lately. but still reading every day!

  5. WOO HOO!!!!!! Congratulations!

  6. hmmm congratulations! that IS awesome. I have NO idea how to track how many comments I have had. Well,,,,,,other than add them up manually that is and counting to ten has never been my strong suit.


  7. wait, wait, wait... you seriously have only been at this since april, and you already have 1000 comments? that is INSANE. mad props, lady. i am only two month behind you in posting, but still many hundreds behind you in comments. how can i get more comment love at my place? (without coming off more desperate than i already do, that is.)

    well, in spite of my own jealousy, big congrats to you! :)

  8. Yeeha!

    Happy 1000th (1000th is hard, typing it is hard)

    May that be 1000th of many, many more!

    In other news I am heading off to see ELTON now!


  9. WOOHHOOOO *throws confetti*

    COngrats chickie babe! ^_^

  10. Way to go on your 1000th comment. This probably makes you a certified blogebrity.

  11. That's awesome! So what am I...1015?

    Yay for 1015!


  12. Yay!!! Comments are awesome, aren't they? I still don't get many, but I'm working on expansion! EVERYONE SHOULD READ MY BLOG AND MAKE COMMENTS DAILY. There. I said it.

    Yes. We celebrate with you on this joyous occassion! Too bad we can't open a bottle of wine and drink it...cyberly...but we can all drink wine on our own and pretend we're drinking it together.

  13. HOORAY for your Alybear! 1000 comments is awesome. I can see why you are a funny girl and I like you!

  14. I would love to come to Australia at some point, but until then, I will just stalk you online :-) Australia is amazing. I have some wonderful friends over there.


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