Sunday 3 December 2006

I Beg Your Pardon?

You may recall that yesterday's post was left off with the mention of a monster headache, yes?

Jason came over after work and got to put up with me whinging about it, as usual. I wanted Thai for dinner, he'd already had stir fry for lunch. He wanted Subway for dinner, and I wasn't in the mood. We settled on going into the supermarket and finding something which he said he'd cook for me. I agreed, so long as it didn't involve tomato, broccoli, seafood, and the bajillion other things I don't eat. (Fussy.)

We settled on making yummy apricot chicken and rice. It was, well, yummy. And my dear boy didn't cut himself while cooking the food this time, therefore no passing out on the kitchen floor. Bonus!

He definitely scored points for that.

He lost points, however, after referring to me as Rumpelstiltskin this morning. Apparently that was the first thing that came into his head after waking up this morning and seeing me with a red, pillow-marked face.


I still don't quite get it.

Do I look like someone who can spin straw into gold? (Sweet!)
Or perhaps I just look like a rather ugly goblin first thing in the morning?
Must clarify this.


I bet Rumpelstiltskin doesn't have sexy shoes like this.

These shoes I always imagined owning when I was growing up, because to me they look like "office" shoes. You know, the ones that successful business women wear to work and strut around in?

Sadly I never did get an office job, and there is no way in hell I could stand up in these shoes all day teaching. (They look really hot under jeans though, which is nice!) I actually ended up using a friend's 80's costume party an excuse to actually buy myself a pair.

They look fabulous teamed up with red and white spotty socks.


  1. you're right - they are totally "office" shoes. like you'd wear with a black pencil skirt and a white button-down collared shirt. you see what i'm talking about, right? surprisingly, i own no simple, straightforward, no-nonsense black heels such as these. all my black heels have some sort of flourish. maybe i should consider getting myself a standard pair...

  2. So, the question that I'm dying for the answer to is...where's the apricot chicken recipe? Yum!!

  3. I need to get shoes like that. Black, plain and classy, and not strappy. Yup, I gotta buy a pair at some point.

  4. I have to wear heels for work and they torture me. I slob about in a suit and thongs at my desk and put the heels on for meetings.

  5. oh my those shoes definitely are hot!

    and not only are they great office shoes, but they scream "I AM SEXY AND POWERFUL! FEAR ME!!" :D

  6. OMG those shoes are TOTALLY HOT!!!

    They are more naughty secretary than anything...and SO HOT.
    AND NO CANKLES! Yeah!! :)

  7. Love the shoes, they are hot. I do have an office job, but no shoes as sexy as those. I must buy some now!


Spare a thought?