Tuesday 19 December 2006


The kidlets must have been lurking my blog yesterday when I was getting all nostalgic about the year that has past; I recieved a nice little bounty of goodies this morning when I arrived at school.

Ferrero Rochers! In the shape of a bell! Ring a ding ding!

I was also brave today and presented awards for the school presentation day - a whole batch of Newcombeball awards as well as my class ones. I'm such a loon; I don't actually mind public speaking and once I'm up there I am fine at it, but geez, you'd think I would learn to stop panicking so much beforehand. Where do the stupid nerves come from?

I think they like me. These will be gorgeous when the liiles (my favourite flower too!) open up. Aww.

We had a Christmas barbeque last night with friends.

What do you get when you mix good food, good conversation and good alcohol with a seemingly innocent back step?

A sprained ankle, of course. (No, it's not mine!) And Mum would like the toe suckers out there to stay away from her, please. No offense or anything.

It's one week to Christmas! (insert happy little jig here.) It's not really feeling Christmassy to me right now. Don't ask me why, since I have possessed reindeer and snowmen staring at me from every direction, I'm just not feeling it yet.

Tomorrow is the staff luncheon at work, Wednesday night is a Year 6 Farewell Dinner and then Thursday? THURSDAY IS IT FOR SCHOOL. (insert even happier little jig here.)

And some dancing is always a perfect introduction for the shoe post of the day, isn't it?

So I wouldn't exactly call these dancing shoes, but they are one of my new pairs of Colorados. I took this shot badly, you can't actually see the pretty woven heels. They're perfect teacher shoes and so, so soft.

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