Triple Taggage.

In the past week, I've been tagged by not one, not two, but three lovely ladies. I think that means I am definitely in need of a little meme-loving, so thankyou to Kelly, Jamie & Kelly Marie for giving me something to write about today.

Seven Weirdly Random Things About Me.

1. I am easily distracted. I suppose that explains why I'm such a good procrastinator when it comes to getting things completed.

2. I am fussy about who I share personal information with, disregarding this blog of course. Too many times I've been having a conversation with someone who I think is listening to me, when all of a sudden I am cut off and it becomes all about them. Or worse, they simply excuse themselves when something better comes up.

3. I pick out spelling mistakes wherever I go. Menus, signs, invitations, you name it. It's a bad habit, but it is slightly amusing to spot mistakes.

4. I don't shave my legs past my knees. Never have, most likely never will.

5. I have a tendency to gaze off into the distance and forget to blink. That sounds really creepy, but it mainly happens when I'm really tired.

6. Sometimes I really wish there were songs playing in the background of everyday events in my life, like in the movies and on television.

7. I pull stupid and dorky faces when I dance.

I'm not in the mood to tag specific people today - this one's up for grabs!

15 Comments • Labels: , ,  


Kristie said...

I've always thought it would lovely to have background music playing during our lives.

And if I didn't shave past my knees, I'd be able to wear my leg hair as a coat!

natalie said...

I like picking out spelling errors too, and I am weirdly insane about spelling peoples names right. If I have ever spelled it wrong I feel very guilty, and it makes me mad when people spell their good friends names wrong. If you love them enough to consider them a good friend, learn how to spell their name. amen.

nancypearlwannabe said...

I pick out spelling mistakes too! And point them out to everyone else.

angela said...

Ooh, I adore spelling errors too. I grew up in a small town with its very typical small town newspaper. In my opinion, there's nothing better than sitting down with that very paper and a red pen. There's something just so soothing about it.

Elisabeth said...

I came, I saw, I grabbed.

Kristabella said...

I spent six years as an editor and am a bit of a proofreading Nazi, so I hear ya on spelling errors.

I very rarely shave above my knees. Today is one of those days. I have to wear a dress to a wedding today. And I'm not happy about it.

Kat said...

I never shave my legs above the knee. I think we as blondes have very little and barely visible hair there...ok I will stop now before embarrassing myself even more LOL

Elisabeth said...

Ooh, and look, 'all the other girls are doing it'!

Jenny said...

#5. I thought I was the only one who did this.

Victor accuses me of going into a trance.

Jen said...

I hate when people don't use apostrophes correctly. Plurals don't need them, people.

Unnaturally Blonde said...

#4. Priceless. I try not to shave past the knee either, unless I'm going to the beach, I don't want to frighten anyone!.

Katie said...

I'm awesome. I post a comment about spelling errors that includes a freaking spelling error! ARGH!

Katie said...

Ha, I love picking up on spelling errors to. I get a silly satisfaction out of knowing that someone missed something and I found it! :)

Lisa said...

I get my kicks out of spotting spelling errors, too. I can relate about the fussiness over sharing personal information. It takes me a long time to take to people and really talk to them. Also, I always find myself resisting the urge to delete old posts. :D

elysa said...

oh hi I definitely tagged you for this today before reading this post - did I mention I am weeeeeekkkks behind with my feed reader

I love your #6 I agree!

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