What the hell is going on with Britney Spears lately?
I'll admit it, I've always had a bit of a soft spot for downward spiral Britney, but it's getting to the point where lately I feel more concerned for her mental health than amused by the limitless supply of tragic outfits she deems appropriate to wear in public.
(And does anyone else feel a wee bit worried for all of the random puppies she totes around? I can't even imagine what life in that household must be like. Wouldn't it be interesting to be a fly on the wall for a short while?*)
I think this paparazzi guy is just using her whole messy situation for his personal gain.
I think that there is no way that Britney will ever get full custody of her kids again.
And sadly, I don't think this is the end for Britney. I think there's more to come.
So here I am, horrified by the whole thing, yet still peeking through my fingers to watch the craziness. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's watching and waiting to see what happens next .. or what kind of dog she's going to make a public appearance with.
*Until all the talk of favourite sexual positions begins, that is. Too much information; I don't want to know. And haven't we all heard that before anyway?
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39 Comments • Labels: Blog 365, Random Ramblings
*laughs* Sexual positions? What's in that London water, anyway? :) There was a time when I thought she was a particularly attractive woman but that time has long passed. I'm into cuties, but not psychotic ones.
It's like a train wreak -- you can't watch, but you can't look away. I always thought she seemed like a nice gal back in the day, but she's clearly gone off the deep end and she's too far entrenched into being a celebrity to get off the bandwagon and seriously recover properly. I've said for ages that her best move at this point would be to come out and say, "Look, folks, I'm done. I'm quitting the whole singing career, I'm moving away from Hollywood, I'm getting out of the big city and moving somewhere quiet. I've had my run, it was good, and I'm happy with it, but this is too much and I'm clocking out before things get dirty." Nobody'd blame her and everyone would think she's probably making the first smart decision in years. However, it probably just won't be...c'est la vie.
I'm really surprised at how far down the hill she's gone in such a short period of time. It doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago she was dancing about in a schoolgirl uniform and saying she was going to be a virgin until she was married. And now look at her...
I'm just glad I'm not her mother.
Oh, Britney. Is she a good example of trailer-trash America grown up? Of someone who has never been anything but exploited by EVERYONE in her life? An example of someone with some VERY serious mental issues that need to be resolved?? Yes, yes and OH GOD YES! But I'm like you. I can't stop watching. Poor Britney.
I feel so sorry for her children.
I know.
Britney is like the car crash that happens that you know you shouldn't watch, but you just. can't. help yourself.
I am INSANELY addicted to watching the train wreck. I mean, it's been entertaining the whole time, but no only in the past couple of weeks has it become an honest to goodness addiction. Do you think there is a 12 step program to get off Britney?
She's lost her kids. I don't know how much farther she has to fall. I don't think she'll hit rock bottom until she's in a hospital after she's hurt herself.
I'm starting to be less interested, mainly because the level of how sad that situation is makes me sick to my stomach. Then I have to remind myself that there are many kids who live in these types of situations without the benefit of nannies who are competent.
It's almost like Groundhog day, drive aimlesslessly around, fill car with petrol, car breaks down/has accident/drives over photographers foot, hitch ride home with photographer.... She's so lucky... she's a star...
I am with Lala on that one. It is like Groundhog day and she seems to be stuck in some weirdo loop. I would love nothing more than set her head straight.
i feel the same way. i think her story has reached the point of needing real attention, not just media attention.
My routine is: read story, sigh, shake head, repeat. Because by the time I shake my head, there's another story up! It really is unbelievable how far everything has gone... how do you not get it when you have court orders? They're not suggestions, you know?
Sigh, shake head.
You are definitely not the only one. For awhile I thought she had postpartum depression, and that may well have been part of it, but now it seems like it's a lot of other mental/emotional issues as well. I hope she gets herself together eventually.
Yup. Nathan said it. The trainwreck that you know you shouldn't watch, but you want to see how far it goes before it stops. However, Britney will never, never ditch Hollywood, actually get help and get her shit together. One would have to admit/know/be somewhat aware that they have a problem in order to be able to do that. I think she is a rapid cycling bipolar (maybe even with psychotic episodes) and that she is addicted to the attention of the paparrazzi which makes her feel important. I think that she may have been like this for a while and that when she was younger, her parents/managers/whoever kept it under wraps and that as she became more independant, she ditched her meds and has lost all control because she surrounds herself with people who will just go along with her no matter how massed up she is because they see her as a cash cow and a way to get their names in the tabloids. I for one keep reading about it because being an armchair psychologist, I am dying to see if we will ever actually find out what is wrong with her. Or what went wrong.
Poor kids. One day they will find out just how crazy their mother was/is.
Lord! Spelling mistakes! INDEPENDENT - MESSED
The whole thing is so freaking sad isn't? I can't imagine how difficult that life would be. And yes, I know there are benefits to being famous but I can't imagine ever leaving my house without makeup and then seeing my picture plastered on every magazine with all my flaws enlarged. I think that alone would drive me batty. I hope she gets the help she needs but it's not looking like it's going to happen- not with the people she's apparently surrounding herself with. Fingers crossed she gets some help. ASAP.
I'm scared for those dogs. You have to wonder if they even get fed, they all look terrified. And if the dogs don't look ok, that says the rest of the household is surely suffering.
poor britney...she's like one snap away from looking like amy winehouse. but don't get me wrong, i love me some amy winehouse!!!
I keep saying I will stop paying attention because that girl just needs serious medical help. But I can't turn away because she's just such a trainwreck. And she brings it on herself.
That paparazzi guy is totally using her. He's MARRIED! Which I just found out in my US Weekly this week.
I have been so wrapped up in my own drama that I don't even KNOW what's going on with my girl Britney! How that's even possible, I have no idea.
I feel so sorry for her too, she's just a mess. It's getting ridiculous to watch her downward spiral too. Let's hope she gets some help soon.
I want her kids taken away, her animals taken away and people to stop talking about her (the media not necessarily real people). It's tragic but seriously she's gotten away with all this shit for far too long.
don't even get me started. I can't even keep up with her happenings anymore. Seriously mentally unwell.
I used to be an avid Britney fan... now, I'm in the same boat as you. I just watch and feel so sad for her. If you ever want to talk Britney, I'm the one to see. Seriously, I can't get enough... and I don't mean that in a mean way, I mean it in a We~are~all~wanting~you~to~get~better~Britney way. Poor girl has seriously lost her mind. It's sad.
As everyone has mentioned, she's the walking disaster that we can't look away from. The tragic thing is: how the hell did Kevin Federline end up looking the clean and sane one in comparison?!
I was rooting for her to make a come-back, but after that disastrous performance at the music awards, that was the end. It's so sad really because she was so pretty and so talented, she could have been even bigger than she was when she first started out. The first marriage was the first mistake, then the babies, oh gosh, the babies. Poor Britney.
i've been planning a post about britney for a while now. i do think it's sad, and, unfortunately, like you, i don't think it's over. :(
Does anyone remember of the time when every girl in the world (okay most of the girls around the world) wanted to be like her. I feel sad too, but really the best thing to do is forget Britney, give the girl a bleeding rest. Let her live or unlive her mistakes, whatever.
I think everyone can agree that ol' Brit is in need of some serious help. For a while, she was like the trainwreck that you couldn't help but watch, but now it's just getting really sad. She's lost her children, is a huge embarrassment, and even her little sister is getting dragged into the drama. I wish everyone would just leave them alone for a bit so they can pick up the pieces. Then she can make a huge comeback and, like, stun the world. It'd be the greatest makeover of All Time!
I just find it sad that she didn't have a decent enough support network to help her through this. Someone should've stepped in a LONG time ago and get some help for her.
But no, she surrounded herself with people who don't have her best interests at heart, and now look at her. She's never gonna get her kids back (and poor kids, no child should be going through this) she's clearly not interested in getting help and it's only going to get worse.
Sad to say, but I wouldn't be surprised if the next gossip story is about her death....cos she seems to be spiralling in that direction....
I feel sorry for the poor kid (and she is still a kid). She was famous at age 15 and from then on, she has had minders telling her what to do and when. Then she goes and gets married, has kids and everyone goes "well she is an adult" and leaves her to deal with her own life. The unfortunate thing is that Britney has never had to do anything for herself and suddenly she finds herself married and with two kids - no wonder she is out of control.
She needs some serious counselling both mental and drug/alcohol addiction. However, firstly she needs to hit rock bottom all on her very own to make herself realise how much she needs professional help. Unfortunately the world is going to be watching as she does so.
oh yeah. A worrying train wreck.
These days, when it's all going shit, I've coined the phrase "don't chuck a britney"
Vanessa's right. The dogs look shit-scared. Says a lot about the household.
It's tricky though, because it's all well and good to say that she needs help, like some kind of intervention... but from what we've seen in the past, can we honestly expect that she'd take the help offered to her? I don't think she would. And to be honest, I'm not sure she'll get the help she needs before she ends up dead. Which is incredibly sad. Part of me thinks that if the press backed off and left her alone for a while, she might go about getting the help she needs, but they're too busy following her waiting for her next screw up.
Poor Britney. I'm sad for her. And concerned for the kids. And the dogs... the ASPCA should be involved somehow...
I am totally and utterly devestated for her children. Those poor kids were doomed from the start. I hope that she gets the help she obviously needs.
I can't even stand to watch her anymore. She depresses me.
What worries me & saddens me most about this is where are her true friend the one that we all have that would slap us and tell us how stupid we are being the ones that we really do listen to no matter how big headed we get. I think the problem with growing up too fast & with the world watching you so closely is you may never form those True friendships that we have, so you really on all those yes people so you never get a reality check on what your doing no one says stop or no so she keeps doing more & more strange & bizarre things almost like a cry for help! I also think the paparazzi has become part of her abuse system she can’t live with them & she can’t live with out them, I never thought I’d say this but I actually think K-Fed is right the kids are safer with him at the moment! I really hope she has a moment of clarity and wakes up before thing spiral even further out of control and the kids end up with no mother and those dogs are no child substitute but that’s what she’s using them for poor things! Anyhoo Seeya hugya *G*
Well it looks like she was caught buying a pregnancy test with him. Uhh Ohh.
OK - Britney is one of those situations that is sad, tragic and annoying at the same time. We're in the midst of presidential primary elections over here in the States and what is CNN focused on "Britney Spears Leaves Hospital". It's rather bothersome. I think in a weird way she's always been unbalanced as are many celebs and she courts the attention. And as for the dogs, you might not want to read the blind items on E! Online - that's either her or Paris that forgets the doggies in the closet.
Is the pappies that crazy over in London as they say they are???
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