Girlfriend Stuff.

Lately I have felt myself becoming one of those annoying girlfriends that I've always claimed I would never be. I always considered myself to be fairly low maintainence, but maybe I'm a little needier than I thought. I'm hoping this is just a phase and that I'll snap out of it soon. I think I just need a bit of reassurance, for whatever reason.

Thankfully, J is somehow able to put up with me, so all I can do is thank my lucky stars, make him a cup of coffee and try not to complain when he puts his cold feet on me.

Oh, and I'm going to do my best to quit the whinging.

(That doesn't mean it's going to stop. I mean, come on, one step at a time here.)

But I'll try.

16 Comments • Labels: ,  


Kristabella said...

I think we all have our needy times. And this is the first time you've lived together, so it is a whole learning process. Because cold feet can be bothersome! :)

Lolcats: Telling our true emotions since 2006.

Megan said...

I agree that cold feet can be extremely annoying. :) Good luck, though. It's hard at times... Especially living together. I've lived with my fiance since August, and sometimes I think he's completely annoyed by me... Then I just realize that we'll always have those moments, but it's only expected since we see each other constantly.

Jen said...

I'm clingy needy super girlfriend. You'll never be worse than me, don't worry.

Zandria said...

I think everyone needs reassurance sometimes, even guys (and even if they don't admit it). You'll be okay. :)

Aimee said...

I heart that lolcat. and needy is okay sometimes. We all need a little more sometimes. :)

Kathy said...

Having just dealt with this issue myself i will give you my take on the situation.

When you lived in Sydney you were pretty independent. had your own life - social and work. You kept pretty busy and this made you happy.

Now you are living in London. Your life and jason's are entwined. you no longer have your own busy, independent, separate life. This can affect your self esteem and this make you feel insecure and moody.

My advice - try to make some girlfriends who you can go out with - without jason. Find some new interests to pursue on your own. you will find when you reclaim yourself and your independence you will return to the happy Alynda you used to be.

Kerri Anne said...

I second the needy times and the necessity for them. Don't feel bad for a minute about needing to be reassured, and doubly so, sometimes. Sending you loving from here.

Kelley said...

You are in another country and not been well. Totally understandable.

I suggest you stand in front of the mirror and try and replicate that cutie look of that kitten. Cause if that kitten can make me of the don't like cats brigade swoon it's gotta melt any guys heart.

Noelle said...

I was watching Flight of the Conchords yesterday, and I think my favorite line of all time is now, "You can't break my heart because it melted when I met you." So sappy sweet in an otherwise hilariously funny show.

heidikins said...

Love you girly! Whine to me anytime; that's what we girlfriends are for, yes?


QueenBee said...

I always get like that when I'm PMS'ing. I am the most insecure, whiny girlfriend there is on the planet. But it always goes away. After about a week and a half.

Laurel said...

I am sometimes the neediest girlfriend, so I can totally relate. I can be PHYSICALLY needy. Like, I want to snuggle with AS WAY more than he wants to snuggle with me!

katelin said...

Yeah I have definitely turned into "that girlfriend" before, it is not cool. But at the same time, it can't be helped and luckily my BF still loves me, haha.

cady said...

i was a needy girlfriend too. sometimes i still get that way. it's all good. :)

michelle and the city said...

i have been in a rather needy stage lately, too. it happens to all of us :)

Nic said...

We all go through phases. Don't feel bad. At least you realize you're doing it. The annoying girls never realize and they just suck the life out of someone. You're already ten steps ahead.

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