Not Exactly What I Was Intending To Find.

This morning, whilst dodging the rain and heading towards my rail station, a man walking next to me suddenly broken into a sprint as he realised his train was coming. As he jogged towards the station and up the stairs, his wallet flung out of his pocket and landed on the ground in front of me - without him noticing.

Of course I picked it up, and took off after him up the stairs, bellowing at him all the while. Unfortunately by the time I got to the platform, the doors of the train had literally just closed, so I stood at the doors waving the wallet around and hoping the guy would notice. I waited on the platform for a while, thinking that if he had seen it, he might have gotten off at the next stop and then returned back to get it, but no luck. I was left standing on the platform with a stranger's wallet in my hand!

Needless to say, I felt very awkward heading off to work as usual with somebody else's belongings. I didn't want to look in it at that point, because I would've hated someone on the station thinking that I was clearing out the poor man's wallet. I didn't want to put it in my bag, because again, that would've totally looked like I was claiming it for my own. Instead I waited around, and eventually started heading towards my work, awkwardly clasping it in my grasp for most of my journey.

I finally opened it up at my desk, to see if there was a phone number or address in there. Nope. Nothing except a few credit cards, an Oyster card/train ticket (gasp!) and a few pounds. There were also a few receipts from our local grocery store; meaning that yes, he must live in our block of flats, which would make him easier to find. Noticing what I was doing, my colleague asked if there was anything interesting in there. 'Nope' says I. 'Nothing at all!' At the same time, I opened a flap of the wallet and noticed a pill packet with four empty spots, and we both looked on, shocked.

[To be continued . . . ]

Leave your guesses in the comments as to what was lurking inside.

32 Comments • Labels: ,  


Jess said...

I have NO IDEA. I suck at guessing games. But I REALLY want to know!

Candy said...


Audrey said...

The only pills I can think of that men take that come in packs are those "Male Enhancement" pills that are advertised by Bob, the guy who has a reason for having such a Big smile!

Lia said...

I'm thinking birth control. Either he's not a man, or it was his wife's wallet.

Nic said...

gotta be viagra!

katelin said...

oooh i like the viagra thought, or birth control. or ecstasy, haha. i have no idea. but that's sort of awesome.

Fiona said...

?laxatives (for something differnt)

or boring old panadol :p

Viviane said...

Either viagra or something like Prozac. That's my guess.

the modern gal said...

Oooo, I love suspense. But I have absolutely no guesses.

Deutlich said...

gah! i don't do well with mysteries!!!

Was it viagra??

Marie said...

Viagra? Cialis? Hormone pills to become a women? Um, trying out birth control pills just for the heck of it? I don't know. I give up!

-R- said...

Illegal drugs!

Ashley D said...

My first thought was birth control, but maybe ecstacy? I dunno...

nancypearlwannabe said...

Ooooh, a mystery! Was it birth control and HE was really a SHE?

Angela said...


I suck at this game.

Miss A said...

My guess was Viagra too.


my other thought is those date rape drugs?! oooh the suspension

Lara said...

yeah, my guess was birth control, but i'm down with those guessing viagra also. do tell!

The Casual Perfectionist said...

You have the best adventures!! I can't wait for more of the story!!

Julie said...


Can't wait to find out what it is!

Kelley said...

Damn, I was going to say birth control too...

human growth hormone?
laxative suppositories?
essence of bat?
nitro glycerin?

Brie said...

estrogen b/c he is turning into a she?

heidikins said...

"Make Me A Woman" pils...? :o)


Jenny*in*London said...

Darn, all the good guesses have been taken already. Horse tranquilizers? St. John's Wort?

ashley said...

...waiting in suspense....

Noelle said...

I have no guesses. Something similar like that happened to me once, but it was with a dog leash. The dog made it through the train door in time, but the leash didn't. (The owner quickly undid the leash, saving the dog from a horrific death.) The leash had the woman's keys on it, and I waited at the next subway stop for her, but she never showed up. Finally, I gave it to the station agent and went on my way.

michelle and the city said...

the suspense! haha

my first instinct was viagra, but maybe something more interesting?

Operation Pink Herring said...

I really hope there were no condoms in there.

Natalie said...


Laurel said...

I think birth control, too!

Megan said...

I was thinking either Viagra or birth control. I know birth control would definitely be a huge surprise in a man's wallet!

Jessica said...

All I can think of is birth control pills! What is it?? I neeeeed to know now =)

Sarah said...

Viagra!! That's my guess....

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