A Little Bit of Spam Goes a Long Way.

Something caught my eye on my blog dashboard today when I was logging on:

Akismet has caught 10,014 spam for you since you first installed it.

Over ten thousand spam comments? Damn! I know that's nothing in the grand scheme of bloggers and their amounts of spam, but considering I've not been using the Akismet program for very long, that's pretty scary.

(Imagine if I got paid $1 for every spam comment? I'd be able to buy a pony!)

The spam program has it's downfalls, like how it never fails to eat the comments from certain bloggy friends, despite me going in and de-spamming them. I usually still have to go and rescue them from between the offers for Viagra and Young Russian Brides. But I'll tell you what, you miss it when it's not there. A few weeks ago when I updated my version of Wordpress, I forgot to re-activate the Akismet plugin, and in one day? I must have had about sixty spam comments that I then had to wade through and delete.

I guess the thing that really gets me about spam comments is that they're just so pushy. They don't ask, or offer to pay you for 'advertising' their penis enlarging product. Nope, they just rudely announce themselves on your blog, taking over and making you resort to drastic measures to combat their advances. It actually reminds me a little of those rude people who catch the underground who, despite the obvious fact that you've been waiting longer than they have for the train, shove in front of you into the last tiny bit of room in the carriage.

(Of course, my drastic measures in that kind of situation are to simply launch myself in after them, with a pointy elbow in their rib direction. Oops, sorry! Little crowded in here, innit?)

Ah, the dreaded spam. How has yours been lately?

17 Comments • Labels: , ,  


The Casual Perfectionist said...

I hear ya sista. They seem to go in waves, and I have all kinds of things turned on. I don't have the "what do you see in this field and please type it to prove you're human" turned on, but still. Some days, it's really annoying!

Fiona said...

1373 currently have been caught. scary stuff.

It would be amusing to be paid to advertise penis pumps... which of course better than being spammed by them :p

Ree said...

My Akismet has been attacking my friends.....but I have no where near 10,000 spams caught. Only about 400.

Erin said...

since I moved from wordpress.com to self-hosted wordpress I have a TON more spam. It's crazy. For a long time it would eat all my sister's comments no matter how many times I marked them as not spam, but that issue seemed to resolve with the move.

Allie said...

I hate the spam that looks like a real comment, so you kind of hate deleting it, but it's really spam. There are bold adverts for some other site along with "I really love your site, I just added it to my blog reader. Can't wait to read more!" Or the ones that could totally be a real comment, directing you to a site that could be helpful to you, only then you go on other blogs and see the exact same comment and realize like a dope that they were just trying to get their link on your site. Grrr.

Lara said...

i don't get spam. whoo!

Julie said...

So if I mention something about wanting to sell you viagra in this comment... would I get spammed??


Angela said...

I have a feeling that those numbers are trumped up...

alyndabear said...

Akismet has caught 10,042 spam for you since you first installed it.

I didn't have to dig anyone out of the spam pit after last night's post, which was good!

I refuse to use those word verification numbers, because I hate them. Haaaaaaaaate. So I'm fine to go and hunt down the legitimate comments instead. :-)

Lara, I'm so jealous. Wordpress is insane.

Jen said...

I've only just started getting spam to my current email address, and I've had it for years! It's maybe one a week or so.

Marie said...

I hate spam. I swear it's evil. Some people really have nothing better to do then just send spam. Ugh!

ashley said...

Ugh. Those spam comments kill me. But I like to go through them sometimes because they really do give me a good laugh. :) If I had a dollar for every spam comment...well I would go on a sweet vacation. Or maybe it would go it my savings..cause I'm super boring like that. :(

Laurel said...

I have word verification on my blogger, so I don't get hit up for spam much. Thank goodness!

Natalie said...

I insist on reading comments before they are posted, and I don't have too many problems. Maybe like 5/month? Before I started the approval thing though, I got more. But gosh, 60 spam comments! Imagine if real people commented that much! would be NICE

Jamie said...

I got 10,776 spam comments! I just checked. That is pretty ridiculous.

Kelley said...

Mine are only in the hundreds at the moment. Now that Google has found me though, I expect it to skyrocket! Given the language on my blog *gaffaw*

Kristabella said...

I hate the pingback ones where they are kind of stealing your stuff and are all "Kristabella wrote an interesting post...." and you realize it is for a Paris hilton blog because you ranted about your HATE for Paris Hilton.

Akismet eats a lot of real comments for me too, but I'd rather it do that then have all those spam comments show up. And NOT make people put in that stupid CAPTCHA shit. I'm looking at you Blogger!

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