Going Cross Country. Literally.

Who would have thought that in just a few short weeks, I would be sitting completely across the country from where I started? After a lot of crazy travel days, I'm currently sitting in St Augustine, Florida - about to head to our next stop in Savannah, Georgia.

I've had some absolutely amazing experiences so far. I've helicoptered across the Grand Canyon. I've gone jeeping in Durango, Colorado. I've gone hot air ballooning overlooking Alberquerque, New Mexico. I've gone on an air boat swamp cruise in New Orleans, Louisiana. I've been to Gracelands, people. Gracelands!

The last two days have been exhausting. We out-drove Hurricane Gustav and seeing the deserted New Orleans streets on TV after the mandatory evacuation was frightening. The fact that we had been standing on the packed Bourbon Street two days before that was downright eerie. Heading towards Georgia, we're now keeping an eye on Hurricane Hanna, though I'm sure we'll be absolutely fine. Hoping everyone near those areas is safe and well. It's scary being in the middle of it, that's for sure.

I've got no pictures up yet - but I'll definitely make sure I do once I get home. Not long now - can you believe it is September already?

16 Comments • Labels: ,  


Lacey Bean said...

Sounds like you're having an awesome time!! Hope you still have enough energy to meet up on the 12th!!

Miss A said...

glad to hear from you! i hope your hair isn't getting too wind-blown x

Kelly said...


1. I can't believe you are in the US. Frickin' insane. I remember talking to you on MSN and getting all squeally that you'd booked the trip!
2. Seriously. It's September, so you've been living in London for nearly a year.


And here is me, nothing different except a postponed wedding. My life looks crappy right about now. Hahah!

dmb5_libra said...

Graceland? It's my dream...

No but seriously, sounds like you did some AMAZING stuff!

Operation Pink Herring said...

And soon you'll be in DC! I'm texting you my number today. Meant to do it about seven weeks ago, but... whoops.

ashley.marie said...

I have been thinking about you a lot - miss you around here! Glad to hear you're loving it!!

Kristabella said...

Sounds like you're having fun! I'm so mad I missed you in Memphis! And I won't be making it to NYC like I originally planned. I can't believe you came all the way here and I didn't even get to meet you.

Guess I'll have to make a trip to London! :)

Enjoy the rest of your trip!

Audrey said...

My new company has an office in Durango! I hate that you were so close, and yet so far. I love, however, that you are having such a wonderful trip!

Jamie said...

It's funny I was just thinking about you! I'm glad you are having a great time!

Natalie said...

sorry we didn't get to meet up... was busy trying to get things in order for evacuees... little did I know I should have been evacuating to New Orleans...

Tina Vaziri said...

Your trip already sounds surreal and amazing!! Glad to hear that you are enjoying it!

Clay Atlas said...

That sounds like an awesome trip. I'd love to go cross country. Plus, that stuff about passing through New Orleans sounds very, very creepy. I would love to see pictures of that if you have a chance to post em.

Emilie said...

so excited to see you on saturday!

mitch@teak furniture said...

Can wait to see those pictures....

entemergy said...

Hi Travelers
My girlfriend may leave me if I don't take her on a romantic getaway..
Sure, Hawaii sounds romantic,!

Does this make sense?

Stay cool.

Poonlilalcort said...


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