Sunday 23 November 2008

Return to Oz.

Today I did something a little spectacular - I booked a flight back to Sydney!

It's not a permanent move, and it's not a visit. The working holiday visa I've been in London on has a time limit of 12 months work, so I need to head home and upgrade to a different visa to carry on working in the UK. I've already figured out my options and should qualify, so now it's a matter of flying home and lodging the application. Unfortunately, that's the easy part. After that comes the waiting - the boring, slightly anxious waiting period, where you do nothing but keep busy for around 8-12 weeks while the British Consulate in Australia take their sweet, sweet time to process your application and hopefully eventually spit out your new, shiny visa.

It's completely nerve wracking, but it's an option that I have no choice but to take. And as a perk, at least I'll be able to see my family, my puppies, my friends - and then when all is said and done, I get to come back to my new home, here in London. It's amazing how comfortable I feel here, I feel so much more independent and have had some fantastic experiences here. It will be nice to come back again next year with a little more stability.

The downsides?

Obviously being away from Jason - again - I feel as though I've hardly seen him since July of this year. We've also got to figure out what we're going to do with Oscar; back in the cattery again, or work a way to keep him happy and looked after while I'm gone, in case Jason is also away for work. Work have been really good, despite me having to leave them for an undefined period of time. All I can do is hope they'll have a spot for me when I get back, which they're hoping to arrange.

As for the flight I just booked? Did not come cheaply. That's the problem with living in Australia, we're so isolated. I'm a lucky girl, though - Jason booked the ticket for me as a Christmas present, what a sweetie! The visa also costs a pretty penny - 700 pounds which the embassy pockets even if the application is unsuccessful for whatever reason. Doesn't seem quite right, does it?

Ah well. January 26th and I'm going down under again. And here's a little something even more special! I arrive back home on Australia Day; a pretty appropriate entrance, I reckon.  Now, any takers to join me for the not-so-pleasant 24 hour flight?


  1. Looks like London will become your a-little-more permanent home, huh? I am sure things will be fine with the visa, Jason just got his as well, right. It sucks you have to go back to Oz for it, though. How long will it be good for?

  2. oh what a great day to come in.
    You can wish Max a happy 3rd birthday
    and just in time for casual work too

  3. I'd love to come fly with you - but I'd have to get to London first...

  4. Good luck!!! :o)
    I have a friend who has just been through the waiting process... I'm not actually sure how it went, but she's back O/S!

  5. you could smuggle kris in with you?

    I reckon he'd fit in a suitcase...

  6. I don't think you're going to have much time to be bored, there is a long list of people (and puppies) willing to keep you busy.

    My request is you smuggle me back a tub or two of Ben and Jerry's.

  7. Babes - so excited. Will definitely love to come see you, and can also offer you a weekend in lovely downtown Canberra to keep you amused.

  8. Well I'm doing the amazing journey a month before you! And, don't tell anyone, but I'm a little bit nervous...

  9. will keep everything crossed for you at least you get to spend chritmas together! seeya hugya *G*

  10. What a pain that process must be. I bet your mom will be so excited to see you though! It'll be nice for you to visit - quite the world traveler you are!

    Flights are SO expensive. And that's so wrong for the government to keep your money if the visa doesn't go through. What would you do then - reapply?


  11. Good LORD that's a heck of a process. Are you going to live in London permanently or are you going to end up back in AU at some point?

  12. oh man that just sounds so exhausting. hope you get everything worked out okay.


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