Tuesday 25 November 2008

Then and Now.

I can't believe that a month to this day, it'll be Christmas Eve. This time last year, I was almost into my last month of teaching, and in hyper organisation mode whilst getting ready to change countries. I was living at home, saving as much as possible, missing Jase and both nervous/excited at the same time about the big move.

How fast time flies!

This year, I'm living in my own place, in our own place, albeit rented, and I'm completely settled in my life. Jase and I have our little routines mapped out, we've worked hard to save and enjoy ourselves, and we've even got Oscar now.

A year ago, travelling alone on public transport would have scared the life out of me. Here? I'm more than happy exploring the city on my own, having a night out and making my way back. There are so many random things here that I enjoy doing, things that just don't happen in Sydney. It's not every day that you can walk to work passing St Paul's Cathedral, Old Bailey and the Royal Courts of Justice.

So here we are, almost at December - and two months from now, I'll be back at home - wishing I was back at this home again. It's like I'm caught between two different worlds; I'd even go so far as to saying two different 'me's'. The old me, who will always be perfectly content living the quiet life at home, and the 'new' me, who still loves her quiet time, but also loves being independent. Such a strange feeling, but definitely one that I enjoy.


  1. I can't believe you've been over there for nearly a whole year - time definitely flies when you're having fun! I imagine the whole Visa thing is going to be an annoying issue - hopefully everything goes well, it gets approved and you get to go back to J and Oscar as quickly as possible!

  2. It feels like yesterday you were about to leave - you are right, this year FLEW by. I'm excited for you, for all the things you got to do this year, and for all the things yet to come. <3

  3. It's been fun following you on your journey this year, and I got an extra special treat of meeting you in real life!! :)

  4. I'm kind of like that too with NY and here.
    I sometimes want to be in NY but always find myself longing to be in Boston.


  5. Good for you that youre happy!! It would be awful to have spent all that time wishing you were elsewhere. I bet its been a great experience for you :)
    PS It snowed up here in the Blue Mountains last weekend. Yes.. it IS November!


Spare a thought?