Tuesday 17 February 2009


You... were the cutest, runtiest puppy with hilarious bulging eyeballs.
You... almost ended up with the name Hercules, but lucky for you, I was shut down.
You... lived with us through four temporary homes, until we moved into our home.
You... suddenly sprouted all your beautiful fur, and had the most gorgeous beard & tail.
You... put up with Rusty better than all of us do, and were always so patient with him.
You... liked nothing better than curling up on the washing, but only the clean stuff.
You... gave awesome kisses, despite your breath.
You... used to love your Liony, and would spend hours kneading him with your paws.
You... were possibly the most spoiled dog in all of Australia.
You... waited for me to come home and spend some time with you before you left us - and for that I'm grateful. Miss you already, kiddo.

Max: 1997 - 2009


  1. Alynda I'm so sorry about the loss of your gorgeous little puppy. I know how hard that can be. Thinking of you!
    *big hugs*

  2. Sorry about your loss - Max had 12 solid years of life and in dog terms, that's awesome. And I'm sure he's lived a really great life.

  3. Oh I'm so sorry :( He looks incredibly cute! It's so difficult losing a loved pet..

  4. I'm so sorry. How great that you got home first. It's sad we have such a short time with some of the best friends in life.

  5. I'm so sorry. Max sure seemed like a great little guy.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. *hugs*

  7. so sorry to hear about your little man!

  8. It's never easy, is it? I'm glad you got to spend time with him.

  9. Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Sending hugs and virtual chocolate your way.


  10. I'm so sorry, but so glad you got to see him for a little while. Hugs!

  11. Awww, what a cutie-pye. I'm sorry you had to lose him. Isn't it hard to love our "babies" when we know their life is so short? At least he had 12 nice long years with a loving family. But, it's never long enough, is it? *Hugs!*

  12. So sorry to read of your loss. At least he hung on long enough for you to get back to see him one last time.

  13. I'm sorry to hear that Max died. I'm glad you got to see him - it's almost as if he knew. *hug*

  14. Oh sweetcheeks, I know this must have been really hard for you. So very glad you got to spend a bit of Aly & Max time. Thinking of you xx

  15. Sending you big hugs. So sorry for you!

  16. nawww maxieeee.

    such an awesome pup :(

  17. I'm so sorry for you hun, and know exactly how you feel.
    It's fantastic that you got to spend some time with him.
    As time passes you will remember all the little things that used to bring a smile to your face - trust me.

    Thinking of you and your mum... if you need to, let me know and we can have a good cry together *hugs*

  18. :'( I'm so sorry to hear this, Aly. ::hugs::

  19. Oh Aly I am so sorry.
    All my love to you.

  20. Oh god, Alynda, I'm so sorry. Losing a beloved pet is the hardest thing. They bring so much joy and love to our lives.

  21. ((hugs)) I am so sorry Alynda :( I can't even imagine. Super dee duper hugs for you and the family!!

  22. I'm sorry to hear of Max's passing. **HUGS**

    RIP, Max!

  23. Wah! Wah! I'm so sorry! But I'm also so glad that you were there and got to see him again.

  24. I'm so sorry for the loss of your little one. They get into our heart and ultimately leave us all too soon. HUGS

  25. Oh no! I haven't been by in a while and I'm so sorry to return to this news! Sad!

  26. I'm sorry to hear your puppy died! But I'm glad you got to be with him.

  27. hey sweetie just wanted to say i'm so sorry about Max kept meaning to post a comment but was always at work when i remembered & i go straight to the spam from there!
    So glade you got to say goodbye, it's always so hard to loose a loved one big hugs

    seeya hugya *G*


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