Just a Little Jet-lagged.

Since arriving home on the weekend, I've been in the usual zombiefied state that comes after a long haul flight. And since I was doing this holiday in a really short time frame, I had the beauty of doing the journey twice. In two weeks. Somewhere along the way, I lost two days of my life sitting in a glorified tin can with artificial air making my hair oily, skin greasy and nasal cavity crusty. Oh, the joys of flying!

So Saturday was spent quite literally trying to keep my eyelids propped open as long as possible. Jase did his best to keep me awake and get me back into the timezone, and I tried my best, really. In actual fact, I failed. Quite spectacularly, really. I think I took three naps that first day. Can you call them a nap if you snore your way through a few hours at a time? I'm not sure. All I know is that those snoozes were quality sleep time.

I promised I'd come back and write up a wedding related post, but I'd really love to show you some pictures to go with the commentary. Unfortunately, inserting images requires effort, and effort requires functioning brain cells, and let's face it; I'm just not there yet.


Anyone who is following me on Twitter may have seen a tweet of mine from this afternoon which was a bit random and out of the blue. The one I'm talking about looked like this:
So I have officially handed in my notice.

Yes, after quite a lot of consideration and budget talks with Jase, I met with my team leader and handed in my resignation notice today at my office. There are a few reasons behind it which I'll come to in another post, but suffice it to say that this was a pretty big deal for me. I'll know when my official end date is over the next couple of days, but for now, I'll be wrapping things up at work and getting my head around what happens next.

7 Comments • Labels: ,  


Karen said...

Wow, big news! I must admit I am really curious to find out more about your job and about the wedding plans. I hope everything is okay with you sweetheart!

Britt said...

Huge news! Congrats on a new step in life! Can't wait to hear all about your plans :)

Jess said...

Wow, so exciting! What big news! So excited to hear what you decide to do next.

thecasualperfectionist.com said...

Wow! Good luck!! I missed that tweet, but not because I don't love seeing what you say, but because you're tweeting away in a different time zone and those things flit by so quickly. Anyway...GOOD LUCK on this next part of your journey!!

Fuzzy Cert said...

I'm emailing you right now!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's crazy exciting! Can't wait to hear more!

Julz* said...

like WHOA!!! Big stuff going on! I hope all goes well :)

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