Vanuatu Dreaming v3.0

So, without going into too much detail (mwahaha), what did we actually do on their Vanuatu honeymoon? Well, if you were following along on my previous posts, you'll have noticed that it was very much a R&R type of resort, rather than one chock full of adventurous activities. And that was exactly what we wanted.

We had spent such a long time travelling on our Pre-Wedding-Moon, constantly sightseeing and transferring flights and not having a spare day free to relax, that we decided we needed some quiet time for this honeymoon. 
There were lovely champagne toasts in the sunset.
There was lounging by the pool, lots and lots of lounging. And so much reading - me with my books and Jase with his trusty iPhone.
There were lazy laps in the most beautiful cool water.
There were happy hours at the island bar, and lots of yummy food.
There were sudden tropical rainstorms, where we huddled together in our bungalow and watched the beautiful ocean view disappear into a misty haze.
But the loveliness had to come to an end. Seven days was just enough time, too. I managed to squeeze in a massage while there, Jase kept in touch with his favourite news sites thanks to the free wifi in the bar and we thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, I thoroughly recommend Vanuatu as a local honeymoon/holiday destination - every single local we met had a smile on their face, they were so friendly and relaxed. And if my friends in the Northern Hemisphere are up for a trek, I recommend visiting Sydney first... then you'll be nice and close! :)
Hey, look! Even with copious amounts of sunscreen and hiding in the shade all week, this paley got a bit of a tan. Vanuatu = win.
How did you decide on your honeymoon location?

6 Comments • Labels:  


~stinkb0mb~ said...

oOoOo looks like you had a fabulous time! getting away for a "tropical" holiday has always been on my to do day, one day!


Jess said...

This looks awesome. Reminds me of our honeymoon almost three (!) years ago. So lovely! We picked ours for similar reasons... gorgeous, relaxing, not too far away (Dominican Republic... it was two 2.5-hour flights), and not horribly expensive. Man, I want to go back.

A said...

You look beautiful! And so relaxed! What a perfect honeymoon---very jealous!

Angela Noelle said...

Sounds heavenly :) We chose Italy because I hadn't been to Europe in years and it was both very high on both of our lists. I think I might be adding Vanuatu to my list after your recaps!

heidikins said...

Gorgeous, absolutely stunning!

(I went to Las Vegas...not recommended.)


Katelin said...

looks like such a fun time and seriously yay to so much pool time and tasty drinks! love it all.

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