October Photography Challenge - Day 11: Something Blue

Day 11: Something Blue: Yes, we've done clouds already - but today's sky was such a gorgeous shade of blue, I just couldn't help myself. The beauty of having a balcony is that we have a great sky view. Isn't it lovely?

We had better clouds today than on the original day of the challenge. With the beautiful weather we've had in the last few days, I was hoping our house build would've had loads of progress - not much to report there, I'm afraid.

For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.

5 Comments • Labels:  


Licorice and Olives said...

Love the blue! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Your view looks so large, off our balcony I do not get such a huge patch of sky!!

Angela said...

Oh that is stunning. Do you mind me asking what sort of camera you took those with?

Tiffany said...

Wow, that sky looks amazing! Such a gorgeous shade of blue!

Ali @ His Birdie's Nest said...

Wow, the sky is such a gorgeous color blue! Good choice!

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