October Photography Challenge - Day 14: Eyes

Day 14: Eyes: I'm yet to master the art of taking pictures of moving animals. I was ready to give up on Oscar and go photograph myself instead, but I stuck with it. His eyes are seriously beautiful though, so it was worth the wait.

How much do I love his wee nose stripe? He's the sweetest thing, and so adorable. {Substitute child, oh yes he is.}
For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.

2 Comments • Labels:  


Fuzzy Cert said...

Oscar has a nose stripe and Charlie has a nose spot. Bless. I hated his nose spot to start off with. Now I love it :)

sylvie said...

Love love love me some Oscar! His big sweet eyes are too much! :)
:: silver lining ::

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