October Photography Challenge - Day 16 & 17: Long Exposure & Tech

You'll have to excuse me missing yesterday's post - we had a busy weekend helping my parents' move into their new home, so my days were spent moving boxes, gardening, and sanding down wood. I'm completely knackered now.

Day 16: Long Exposure: I was really nervous about this, as I'm only just venturing into the different manual modes my camera has to offer. I attempted night shots a few days ago to practice, and they turned out terribly - so I focused on a few different things on Saturday instead. First up was Bailey, our hyperactive pup, who is constantly running at a million miles an hour - but I couldn't get the blur. I then tried two other subjects; my brother, the drummer, and his new habit of toy helicopters. I think that they turned out okay in the end, though I'd still love to work on this one to get some cool night shots in the future. At least it's having a go at something new, right?
As much as I loved how the helicopters turned out, I think the drummer shots fit the 'long exposure' theme better, since it's definition is to 'sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements.' His drumsticks are just a blur, while the drum kit & his upper body are as stationery as could be.
Day 17: Technology: This was an easy one - I have one piece of technology that comes with me wherever I go, my iPhone. It's not new, it's not shiny, it's not going to be upgraded anytime soon - and it's survived the dangerous perils of life in my handbag, as well as that one time last week when I spilled a bottle of nailpolish remover all over it.
Despite being worse for wear, it still functions & will hopefully last me through another year or so. Fingers crossed!
For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.

1 Comments • Labels:  


Lauren said...

I love the drummer shots! I had problems with the nights ones too,but I hope to get better with practice.

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