October Photography Challenge - Day 4: Something Green

Day 4: Something Green: I'm a bit of a moron, and for some reason assumed that today was 'Something Pink' day {that's later in the month} - I had my pink pictures all ready and waiting to go live today! They'll have to wait, though. Because we're renting this flat, hardly anything is decorated either - so we live in a world of beige and grey.

There's nothing wrong with these colours; it's just hard to work with them. We also don't have a lot of greenery inside our unit, because Oscar tends to eat anything plant-based, so we've made do with a few artificial plants that live in the bedroom where he can't gnaw on them. I decided to use these to photograph today.

I used these glass bottles filled with carnations on our wedding guest book table. It's nice to use them again!

For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.

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Angela Noelle said...

Pretty, pretty :) Good excuse to get some flowers in the house!

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