October Photography Challenge - Day 7: Fruit

Day 7: Fruit: I've been on a health revamp lately {and am beginning to love green smoothies, though only with spinach} so I had plenty of fruits to choose from for today. I thoroughly enjoyed geeking out and finding fun ways to position it all. Who doesn't want an excuse to be able to legitimately play with their food, right?

It was a tough choice, but for my chosen picture I just had to choose this one. A babuskha AND a strawberry? Win.

Hope your day is all sorts of wonderful, wherever you are!
For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.

4 Comments • Labels:  


Mrs. Higrens said...

Thanks for the giggle with the fruit smile!

Jennifer said...

I love what you did with the last fruit picture! That made me smile.

leenie said...

Ha, I'm doing a self-imposed photography challenge for October as well. But mine is simply to take any picture every day. Kinda fun. Enjoy your challenge.

Angela Noelle said...

I love your little babushkas! So sweet!

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