
5dp3dt = BFN. (Expected, but the trigger is most definitely out of my system now.)

I have no symptoms**. I spent yesterday in bed with the most horrific stomach bug I've ever had. I had no energy, felt so ill - but woke up this morning, bright and early, chipper as anything. My stomach bloat disappeared, my mood brightened, and I spent the day in a brilliant mood.

I also bought a whole stack of First Response tests. And so begins the crazy pee-stick journey.

** You know how some people have a gut feeling that they're pregnant? I have a gut feeling that I'm not. I promise I'm not being negative, I just... don't think this was our time. Please, miracle embaby, prove me wrong.

11 Comments • Labels: , ,  


Hotpotatokate said...

Gut schmut! My gut thought I was pregnant when I wasn't, and wasn't pregnant when I was. It is full of cr*p (excuse the grossness of the fact that that is literally true). I am sending masses of baby dust across the Tasman!

Viv said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Aly! xo

Molly said...

I'm with Kate. Totally thought I was when I wasn't :) With O I got my first faint positive at 10 dpo with pretty much no symptoms except that I was spotting and thought I was getting my period. Crossing my fingers for you!!!!

sass @ (In)fertility Unexplained said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! These two week waits are the worst.

I love the photo of your tests. I have never seen so many before! Love it.

Also, I awarded you the One Lovely Blog award. :)

Amanda @ The Fix-Its said...

If it helps: if you made me make the most honest guess if our cycle worked I would have guessed no. So much for mommy instincts!

Angela Noelle said...

FWIW, I tested with Wondfo's and got my BFP at 10 dpo and it was still pretty faint. I think they're the most sensitive tests available. I did the FRER test around 14 dpo, and it was positive but a very faint line, while the Wondfo's were almost the color of the control line. So, what I'm saying is, you're not out yet. It's just too early to know! But at least you'll know for sure it's not the trigger if you do see that line in a couple of days :)

Mrs Green Grass said...

The largest pack I could find at Target was 3! That won't last me anytime at all. Must find more.

Your gut means little. I'd say that most people have no symptoms before 5 weeks. And since symptoms are connected to hormones, they don't guarantee anything anyway.

Fingers crossed tightly. 5dp3dt is too early anyway!

Jesica said...

I just want you to know that even though you announced your blog move and I came over here and checked it out somehow I still managed to NOT put it into my reader and i've apparently been missing out on your posts for like a month! So, I'm back now, new blog all settled into the reader ;-)

Jesica said...

Oh and I KNEW I wasn't pregnant when I was and KNEW I was pregnant when I wasn't. =) Gut is wrong sometimes!

Shayla said...

I hope your gut feeling is wrong! It feels weird to say that, but I'm corssing my fingers for you. :)

EndoJourney said...

I don't think you're being negative at all. I think we all have our gut feelings. I know I had a bad feeling about my IUI before we found out it was a ruptured ectopic. I truly hope you're wrong though! Sending you SO much baby dust and strength!

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