
8dp3dt = BFN. I had high hopes to keep on peein', but I just don't think I can do it anymore.

Unfortunately, the odds aren't in my favour. I know too many people who have cycled around similar time frames during this IVF and who have already had their two double lines appear. Statistically, it's just not going to happen - someone needs to be negative, and I'm pretty sure this is me signing out on this cycle.
You can squint as much as you like (I know I have) but there's one line. We're negative, and we're staying negative.
I have started getting phantom symptoms, which I think is completely rubbish. I've gone through this TWW feeling totally normal, especially now that the egg pickup/transfer is all in the past. Yesterday I had a raging headache, and I've not been able to shake it all of today either. I have a sharp, shooting pain in my right nipple - but only my right one. I'm tired, I'm ready to weep at the drop of a hat, and I'm a freaking hot mess.
I've made it this far, I wonder if I should keep testing? A part of me says no, wait, do the mandatory clinic pee sticks on the 13th & 15th - but the other part of me still says to do it daily, so I can be damn sure this cycle is over. Waiting until the weekend and continuing to hope just seems like it'll hurt more to be brought back down to Earth.

8 Comments • Labels: , , ,  


CBrain said...

You sound emotionally prepared.....well as much as you can be.....
Sigh i'm struggling to get 2 good stripes on a ovulation test.....not the same......but it all ends in tears eventually.

sass @ (In)fertility Unexplained said...

I am so sorry. I know how much this hurts. Please take care of yourself these next few days!

I won't tell you to hold out hope, because I know that was hard for me to hear during our first IVF. Especially when I knew in my heart it had failed. When you're ready, though, don't forget to reach out to us to help prepare for your follow-up appointment. I did after our first IVF, and it was very helpful.

***hugs*** I'm really sorry. Thinking of you.

Mrs Green Grass said...

I've been googling like crazy through this process and I've definitely seen multiple people get a negative the day of beta and still come away pregnant.

I'd say test if you want or wait it out. The result will be the same in the end.

I think it's smart to prepare yourself, but also leave a tiny little space to hope. I hoping very hard for you!

Jesica said...

I'm sorry to hear this but still holding out a bit of hope for you.

I say quit the stick peeing, there is nothing quite as defeating as that stark white space...wait for beta day.

heidikins said...

Sending lots of hugs your way, my dear.


Kristin Williamson said...

Wow. You and I did our transfer on the same day. I was googled '8dp3dt' and your blog came up. I haven't tested yet - I'm too scared. I do think it's kind of early for us - I'm waiting until Friday 5/11. My beta is Monday 5/14. I'm pretty sure I've started to lose my mind. :)

Hang in there. I'll keep up with your blog.

Anonymous said...

Normally hcg can't be detected in your urine until 9 days after transfer. And that's a for a 5 day transfer so u need to add a couple extra days onto that. It's still too early x

EndoJourney said...

I'm so sorry dear friend. I would do whatever is going to make you feel better, whether it's continuing to POAS or stopping. Here for you anytime. *hugs*

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