5 weeks + 3 days

The biggest change between last week (4 weeks+) and this week (5 weeks+) is that I'm having some more vices with foods. I'm not particularly hungry a lot, until I am. As in, I really am. I need food asap. It's bizarre. I've struggled to make good food choices, but I'm trying - I'm drinking a ton of water and I'm eating fruit, since vegetables are making my stomach turn a little bit. The tiredness is kicking my butt. Can you tell by the messy hair and droopy eyes?

I've been counting down to our ultrasound - it's the first thought when I wake up, and the last before I go to bed. I know things can be touch and go in early pregnancy right up until the second semester, but there's something about getting to that 7-week scan... I can't explain it. Maybe knowing that our wee blastocyst has turned into a fully fledged embryo? Or seeing for myself that our baby (our baby?!?!) is growing. I just want to see our little blob.
A lunchtime today, I felt my first twinge of nausea. I was sitting in the staff room with my water bottle, and suddenly came over clammy. It was an awful feeling. I ended up sitting outside in the wind, letting the fresh air do its job - which, thankfully, it did. Teaching is not a great profession for being sick - it's not as though I can just excuse myself to run to the loo, after all! We'll deal with the sticky situations if & when we need them, I suppose.
I've been reading on a lot of pregnancy update websites, where morning sickness usually hits at 5-6 weeks. Then I got nervous, reading that a lack or morning sickness can be an indication of miscarriage, and I had to back away from the computer a little bit. 
How are you going today? :)

18 Comments • Labels:  


Sweet Mama M said...

Oh you have highlighted one of my biggest fears - morning sickness while in the classroom! I hope it doesn't happen for you!

Hotpotatokate said...

My advice re: food (and don't trust me, I am STILL 15 kg above pre preg weight) is to plan easy, bland, but LESS unhealthy alternatives. Like snack packs of grainwaves/pop chips, salada crackers, etc. Crumpets with cheese were a great one for me, and I also loved cereal. Also, a good breakfast always made me feel better even if when I looked at it I wanted to puke!

And don't beat yourself up about the unhealthy choices- just get as much good as you can stomach in. Your body is great at giving the best bits to the blob :)

Cassie said...

I am 35 weeks and I didn't have much morning sickness.... Please don't focus so much on that. Although I know exactly what you are going through, as I worried about the same thing! Good luck so excited for you!!!

Lya said...

Can't comment on the morning sickness but wanted to say, Aly, you look sooooooo happy in those pictures! Love them both!!! Thanks for sharing :)
Just a little more than a week to go until you can finally see your little blob :)

heidikins said...

I have been waiting for these photos, yes you look exhausted, but also oh so happy. Makes me smile.


Audrey said...

Tim is a teacher, and he had a couple of coworkers last year who had TERRIBLE morning sickness. I don't know how they dealt with it in the classroom -- I think they just left a responsible kid "in charge" for a minute while they dashed to the restroom -- but oh, I felt so bad for those poor women! I hope your morning sickness is very mild like mine was!

Anonymous said...

Visiting from ICLW. Congrats on your pregnancy! I'll have to go back and see how it all happened. :) Seriously hoping you don't have to deal with intense m/s...although, I always expected I'd welcome it if I ever got pregnant...kind of a reminder that all is well!


Emilie said...

Your baby!!!!! I love it! Also those photos are adorable. You are going to be the cutest preggers ever. I can't wait for your scan either! xo

road2ourbaby said...

Greetings from ICLW! Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you manage to feel okay for this first trimester and onward! :)
Good luck!

Alana said...

You are cute. The end.

Teacher Anonymous said...

I also didn't and haven't had much morning sickness (and also worried about it meaning something was wrong), so don't let that freak you out too much. The sudden, intense hunger has made me carry around a snack when not at home. My husband laughs, as I seem to alternate between ravenously hungry and full to the point of bursting. Starting to have a little less room in there, I suppose.

EndoJourney said...

You're doing an awesome job of navigating all this. First trimester is def hard. Everyone kept telling me that it really doesn't matter what or how much you eat (within reason of course) because baby isn't taking anything from you yet anyway. Do your best and try not to stress about food as you have so many other stressors to worry about! PS I didn't have any morning sickness and so far we've made it to 17 weeks. :)

So happy for you dear friend!

Anonymous said...

Hi fro ICLW...Congrats!!!

terra said...

I have lots of friends who never had morning sickness and went on to birth beautiful and healthy babies, so don't worry too much about that, lady! Also, some places sell "Sea Bands" that might help with the nausea - they're basically bracelets that push on the pressure points in your wrists and help curb the nausea. I use them whenever we cruise because I get awful sea sickness and they've worked amazingly for me.

Veronique said...

Congratulations! :)

Mrs. Gamgee said...

If fruit is working for you, then I recommend watermelon! There's something about it that seems to settle the stomach. It totally saved my bacon during my morning sickness...

Blessings on you and your new little bean!


Unknown said...

Hello from ICLW! Congrats on the pregnancy! It gives me hope that maybe IVF #2 will work for us!! :) Best of luck to you on your pregnancy!

4B Admin said...

I had morning and evening sickness - basically I could eat between 10 and 4, which being a teacher was good. Except when this one student had really stinky shoes on. That made me ill & I just couldn't deal -had to talk to his mum! I kept crackers and ginger ale in a drawer in my classroom at ALL times. I did have to leave a few times & say to the next teacher to watch my class - lucky they are 10yr olds and there was only 13 of them.
Good luck! It's so exciting :)

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