The Weekly Run-Down: 10

How Far Along: DOUBLE DIGITS. 10 & a half weeks, baby!

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a prune. A prune? They couldn't think of something more fun to compare it to, other than a PRUNE? I'm going to substitute it with a strawberry. Much cuter, don't you think?

Random & Interesting Developmental Stuff:  Here's this week's run-down:

Up until now your baby was classified as an embryo, but by the end of this week he will be a foetus and lots of changes are on the way. Paddle-like, or webbed, hands and feet will now separate into fingers and toes, bones will begin to harden and his kidneys are now producing urine. Most impressive? At this point your baby's brain is developing at astounding rates -- nearly 250,000 neurons are forming every minute! The end of the embryonic stage also marks a turning point for development dangers -- your baby is much less susceptible to them now.

Total Weight Gain: I don't like the OB scales. They give a different reading to my home scales. *5.3kg. :(

Sleep: Really awful. Have this horrible, scratchy cough/throat that wakes me up. Also, I keep forgetting to get a pregnancy pillow, and I'm suffering a little bit.

Symptoms: Had some on/off nausea this week, but mostly fatigue and bloat. I've also been ridiculously snappy {sorry, hubs} and more than a little emotional. Thank goodness for school holidays.

Cravings: Potatoes. Jacket potatoes, potato soup, hot chippies. That's all I want right now.

Gender: I've noticed as I describe the ultrasound/baby, that I'm referring to it as a 'he'. Interesting...?

Movement: Way too early yet.

Maternity Clothes: I got some hand-me-down stretchy jeans from a friend, and I LOVE THEM. I also put in an order with Old Navy for some summer maternity stuff. Elastic waistbands are my friend.

Milestones: Meeting our OB for the first time & getting to see the baby again!

What I'm looking forward to: Relaxing over the holidays - and getting closer to the magical 12 week mark.

The belly: Here she is!
You can catch up on my weekly pregnancy updates {in reverse order} by clicking here. For bump shots - go here!

9 Comments • Labels: ,  


Candace said...

I am thrilled to tag along on this journey with you. Thanks for sharing! So exciting :)

Sweet Mama M said...

Oh boy, I'm not yet pregnant and I'm still cheering on the school holidays just the same :) Relaxation is just around the corner - you can do it!

Claudia said...

That picture is so cute! You look pregnant!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!!! Such a cute picture!

EndoJourney said...

Love to see your updates!! So glad things are going well and you look amazing mama!

Novella said...

Aly you look wonderful xox So glad things are going well.

Anonymous said...

You look FABULOUS! And you are getting veeeerrrry close to that 12-week point. It will be here in a flash!

L said...

Hooray for double digits!! And I can definitely see that baby bump :)

terra said...

Yay for double digits!! And that picture of you is one of my favorites so far!

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