The Weekly Run-Down: 8

How Far Along: I'm halfway through my 8th week of pregnancy - the start of month three. :)

Size of baby: Baby is growing into a raspberry. Apparently it'll grow by 1mm per day this week - crazy, eh?

Random & Interesting Developmental Stuff:  Here's this week's run-down:

Your baby's growth spurt continues: In the last two weeks he has quadrupled in size. As he gets bigger, his delicate facial features are becoming more refined, with his ears, upper lip, and the teeny tip of his nose all clearly visible. His eyelids will also take shape for the first time this week and his heart is growing stronger by the day.

Total Weight Gain: Starting to gain back some of the lost weight - dodgy scales, ahoy!

Sleep: I'm doing a little better. I still find myself going to sleep a lot earlier, but I wake constantly, so I'm not fully rested when I wake up in the morning. I think I need to give one of those long pregnancy pillows a go.

Symptoms: Back aching, cramping (quite sharp sometimes) and tiredness.

Cravings: Chai lattes, made on milk of course. They are my weakness. Baby likes dairy products.

Gender: In the face of all the BOY vibes, I took cheesy gender quizzes & the results said GIRL. Very scientific! :)

Movement: Way too early yet.

Maternity Clothes: Nothing yet, but I have been wearing more of my elastic waist skirts lately...

Milestones: Getting to 8 weeks. Yay! :)

What I'm looking forward to: The weekend - I want to sleep some more. zzzzzzzzzz.

The belly: I'm going to try and embrace the plus sized pooch, so here goes...

You can catch up on my weekly pregnancy updates {in reverse order} by clicking here. For bump shots - go here!

16 Comments • Labels: ,  


Just T said...

glad you decided to post pics. You are glowing :-)

JB said...

You are adorable!! Absolutely no reason to be self conscious, dear. You look great :)

heidikins said...

You are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.


Audrey said...

Aly, you look great!

And, for what it's worth, even though I had a very strong Girl feeling in my early pregnancy, I took the cheesy gender quizzes and they all came up Boy. The quizzes were right, and I was wrong.

Jill said...

I don't see any plus-sized pooch, missy! You're going to have such an adorable baby belly :)

Do you two plan to find out the baby's sex?

Emilie said...

I cant wait to see that baby get bigger and bigger!!

Melissa said...

You look amazing!!! Congrats and keep posting those pics :)

Tia said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE weekly belly shots, and you don't look plus sized at all! You look amazing. I took weekly bare belly shots during my pregnancy, but I wasn't brave enough to post them to my blog. I love looking back at them...especially now that my little guy is 9 weeks and I'm sort of back to my pre-pregnancy size (although squishier!).

Ali @ His Birdie's Nest said...

I'm so glad you decided to post pictures :) You look fantastic! I'm so incredibly happy for you!!!

Sweet Mama M said...

Oooh I love chai lattes and I'm not even pregnant yet lol. I'm so excited for you that you've made it to eight weeks - keep growing, little raspberry!

Jane said...

Ooooh you and your little raspberry look beautiful!

I once read that dairy = girl. It may have been an article in Woman's Day....very reputable source!


Cassie Dash said...

You look stunning, and so incredibly happy!

Non Sequitur Chica said...

Yay belly picture! You look fantastic! :-)

pregnantbee said...

Gorgeous! So glad you decided to share. You look amazing.

Liv said...

Took a break from blogging, so I'm playing catch up. CONGRATULATIONS! I am so very happy for you guys - and you do look absolutely adorable in your picture.

I'm excited to follow your journey and I think it's really clever how you have tracked this =)

terra said...

I'm so glad you're going to keep posting the photos - I love them and you look absolutely beautiful and so incredibly happy!

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