Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Weekly Run-Down: 14

How Far Along: 14 weeks + 2 days along! Speed up, time. I want to hit some more milestones. :)

Size of baby: Baby is a lemon this week. And still sitting so, so low in my pelvis. Move up, little one!
Random & Interesting Developmental Stuff:  Here's this week's run-down:
The roof of your baby's tiny mouth is fully formed now, and her constant sucking reflexes are helping to create full, cherubic cheeks. If you're having a boy, the prostate is forming, and if you're having a girl, her ovaries are moving down into her pelvis.

Total Weight Gain: I'm up another kilo at my home scale, so I'm slightly terrified to weigh in at the OB next week.

Sleep: Doing okay! I'm trying to go to bed a little later, which makes me more likely to get through the night.

Symptoms: I've been really emotional this past week. I want to clean everything in sight, but then sleep five minutes later. I've also had some cramping & hip pain this week. More discharge, too.

Cravings: Toast with vegemite, and frozen drinks. 

Gender: Parents are starting to take bets, and today I had more GIRL bets than boy. Interesting!

Movement: Way too early yet.

Maternity Clothes: I love maternity clothes. Heck yes for the stretchy waistlines.

Milestones: I think I may have the beginnings of a 'I didn't eat too much cheese' belly. Also, I'm able to consistently find the baby's heartbeat with the doppler now, and it's such a relief to hear him bouncing away in there.

What I'm looking forward to: Our next OB visit is next Friday, and then our early scan is the following week. I'm hanging out for the chance to see the baby again!

The belly: Could it be, that I'm finally popping out? I feel HUGE by the end of the day.

You can catch up on my weekly pregnancy updates {in reverse order} by clicking here. For bump shots - go here!


  1. That definitely looks like a cute popped tummy, Mama!

  2. That is definitely a baby belly- you look great!

  3. You have most certainly popped! You are adorable!

  4. Oh that definitely isn't a cheese belly---looks like the start of a cute little baby bump!

  5. Aaahhh! Look at your adorable bump! You look so gorgeous, Aly!

  6. That is definitely a baby bump! You are looking gorgeous my dear!

  7. You look like you're thoroughly enjoying this week. :)

  8. Very cute! Congrats!

    An ICLW Visit from #2
    liddy @ the unfair struggle (mfi, speedskating, life)

  9. Congrats on 14 weeks! That is such a cute cute picture!


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