The Weekly Run-Down: 19

How Far Along: 19 weeks + 2 days pregnant.

Size of baby: Baby is a mango - or a six inch sandwich from Subway, if you're so inclined. :)

Random & Interesting Developmental Stuff:  Here's this week's run-down:

Vernix caseosa begins to coat the skin. The greasy, cheese-like white coating helps regulate body temperature and protects your baby's skin while it's submerged in amniotic fluid. By the time your baby is born, most of the vernix will be gone. Your baby's heartbeat is growing stronger now and it's about twice as fast as yours.

Total Weight Gain: I'm up about 3kg from the first OB weigh-in at 10 weeks. 

Sleep: Since Monday's ultrasound, I've slept beautifully. Maybe it was the worrying making me an insomniac.

Symptoms: More stomach pain, and I'm getting hungrier now. Still with the discharge.

Cravings: White chocolate Magnum icecream. Mmmm.

Gender: IT'S STILL A GIRL! (It's nice to be able to say that.)

Movement: Felt a few jabs this week, but still not consistent. So excited about this!

Maternity Clothes: More dresses - our weather has been 38-40o C quite a lot this week, boo summer.

Milestones: Seeing baby girl (still a girl!) at our morphology scan, looking HEALTHY. Best news ever.

What I'm looking forward to: Hitting 20 weeks in a few days time & having Jase home in a week. Huzzah!

The belly: Poppage!!!!

You can catch up on my weekly pregnancy updates {in reverse order} by clicking here. For bump shots - go here!

8 Comments • Labels: ,  


~Kathryn~ said...

You are so beautiful
I love you

kristykay123 said...

Adorable pictures!
(I'm from ICLW) :)

Kristie said...

You look radiant! I'm so glad everything continues to go well :-)

Jamie said...

You look beautiful! I'm so excited for you to get to where the movement is more noticeable and frequent. Best thing EVER! Happy ICLW!

A Passage to Baby said...

Congrats! Such wonder pics - you must be so excited! Sending lots of baby dust and hoping for an uneventful pregnancy.

Visiting from ICLW#7

Marianne said...

How do you get more beautiful in every picture? I adore you and you're in my prayers. You're amazing.

Unceasing, Uninterrupted Valkyrie said...


Kiddo Bliss said...

You look amazing!

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