The Weekly Run-Down: 33

How Far Along: 33 weeks along. Less than 50 days to go! Care to take a bet on baby's details? Go on.. guess!

Size of baby: I think the baby is the size of a durian fruit - is that what it is? Man.. ouch, again. Are these guys trying to mentally prepare us for the pain of labour by comparing it to pushing out a spiky fruit?
Random & Interesting Developmental Stuff:  Here's this week's run-down:

Your baby doesn't have much elbow room these days -- and, happily, that's probably going to mean fewer elbow jabs to the ribs for you. Because space in your uterus is running out, your baby becomes less active at this point in the pregnancy. You may also notice that her movements are affected by your daily routine -- how much and when you eat, what position you are in and sounds from the world outside can all affect your baby's activity level.

Total Weight Gain: Holding steady from last week for the most part - but I feel insanely huge.

Sleep: I'm trying a new strategy: stay up as late as I possibly can, so that I sleep from pure exhaustion. It seemed to work the last few nights, so I'll keep trying. Can't hurt, right?

Symptoms: I have the most ridiculously sore belly. I can't really describe it - it's like a full, stretched out pain. It's so heavy. I had a belly before pregnancy, and the added weight of the baby is really pulling things down. I've quite literally erupted in red stretch marks on the underside of my belly {it's not pretty, thankfully I'm not vain in that sense} because of the pulling. I'm still getting BH contractions every time I stand up or bend down, and the bruised lady-part feeling is still hanging around. Oh, and I managed to pull a muscle in my groin/pelvis the other day, so everything is a little more 'waddley' right now.

Cravings: Warm milk with ovaltine - looks like I'm back to my first trimester cravings for dairy products.

Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl! 

Movement: Lots more slow-motion movements this week. :)

Maternity Clothes: I finally fit into the huge, full-panel maternity waist jeans I ordered online from Old Navy way back in the first trimester. They've been too big for me in the panel section since then, but I was very glad for them yesterday. I think they'll be useful in the coming weeks - when the weather hopefully cools.

Milestones: I squeezed into a dress {this maternity one from a few weeks ago} for my almost-SIL's bridal shower, yay! Met a lovely internet friend who's also due in April, which was lovely. We also finally saw our hospital & I've started preparing our hospital bag. And did I mention that the nursery is pretty much done?
What I'm looking forward to: Cooler weather! It's dropped a little in the last few days and it's been just amazing. I have an OB visit this Friday, and hopefully baby will continue doing well. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that he might want to do a growth scan, because I really, really want to see baby girl again soon.

The belly: Oy, the soreness. I think she's had another growth spurt this week - it is so, so stretched out.
You can catch up on my weekly pregnancy updates {in reverse order} by clicking here. For bump shots - go here!

4 Comments • Labels: ,  


Court said...

You look stunning as always! I can't believe you're almost there! I love watching your bump and reding your posts so I can know what to expect. Not long and we'll be sharing baby pictures!!

Mrs Green Grass said...

I can't believe how close you're getting! I know I haven't commented lately, but I've been reading and keeping you in my thoughts! :)

sass @ (In)fertility Unexplained said...

Awe, you look great. Make sure you take it easy until you're feeling less sore. It could be your body's way of telling you to take a break. :)

I can't believe you're almost there! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You look great! :) Not much longer to go....
By the way, I absolutely ADORE that dress!!!! Paisley & purple are some of my favorites... ;)

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