Growing, Growing, Growing..

You'd hardly think that this gorgeous little face was in the middle of a challenging wonder week, would you?
Georgia is currently having another growth spurt and is a cheeky little thing during the day. She won't sleep {unless it's in the form of super short cat-naps}, she's VERY clingy {thank goodness I'm all for attachment style parenting and enjoy lots of cuddles} & she cries at the drop of a hat {or a chew toy}.

Amidst all the hard stuff though, she is learning so much! She flips from her tummy to her back pretty quickly now. She grabs objects and gives them a cuddle. She has figured out her tongue exists, and has started shoving things into her mouth. Best of all, she recognises me! Every morning when she wakes up grizzling in her cradle, I hover over her & tell her good morning and oh, the smiles. Her whole little face lights up. I'll never get tired of this.

And, she's growing! Four weeks ago, at 7+2 days, Georgia weighed in at 4.630kg. Yesterday, at 11+2 days, she weighed 5.265kg. That's a rate of 150g on average per week. Makes me feel better that my little one is getting what she needs from me, especially since our feeding journey has been pretty darned difficult.

She still feels quite petite for her age, but she's healthy and thriving & has the yummiest little arm and leg rolls that you could seriously devour. I wish it were summer time, so I could have her in short suits all the time!

6 Comments • Labels:  


Rebecca said...

Hi from ICLW. She is so cute!

Team Harries said...

hi from iclw! How sweet is she, adorable!

Unceasing, Uninterrupted Valkyrie said...

Greetings from ICLW. OH I LOVE IT! littles do grow so dang quickly! I am glad that you are enjoying the extra snuggles,.. they get big and want "ME DO!" *les sigh*

Motherhood though right?!

apluseffort said...

Hi from ICLW. She is so precious! Congratulations.

Risa said...

Oh my gosh! What a sweet baby! Here from ICLW!

Unknown said...

HellO! Stopping by from WB! I followed your pregnancy...(you were an adorable preggo!) and it's so great seeing Baby Georgia!

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