Bring on the second half of pregnancy!
How far along: 20 weeks + 3 days
How big is baby? So instead of measuring from crown to rump, baby can now be measured from head to toe - so all of a sudden, she seems a lot bigger. The size of a banana, wow!
Sleep: The nights have just started getting colder {finally - Autumn, where have you been?} and that means nice, snuggly nights under the blankets.
Symptoms: Not a lot this week. Things have been fairly quiet, except for the discharge. Ew.
Best moment of this week: I filled out the hospital pre-admission forms, and now wait to be called for our official check-in and orientation. Do we really get to have a baby in a hospital this year?
Miss anything: Still with the scalding hot baths.
Movement: Sadly, it's still pretty much non-existent. I did fall asleep on my stomach last night, and wake up to one, two, three little ninja jabs - maybe I was squishing her? Nothing since, though.
Food cravings: Salt and vinegar chips, please.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week, feeling pretty much normal!
Gender: Girl!!
How's your mood? I'm back to being a little bit flat. Happy to be into Week 20, hopeful that baby girl is doing ok in there, sad that my belly isn't as obvious because of my usual pudge, nervous that baby isn't moving as much as she should be.
Looking forward to: Getting through another week, since I have an OB booked in for next week.
The Bump: Not a great deal of change this week. Also... pasty.
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Pregnancy #5,
Today is 20 weeks - we've officially reached the halfway point. Now THAT is something worth celebrating.
Just look how far we've come! :)
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Pregnancy #5
Here we are, muddling our way to the halfway point.
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Pregnancy #5
This has been a big week. :)
How far along: 19 weeks + 2 days
How big is baby? This week baby is apparently close to 15cm long and about as big as your hand.
Sleep: Getting there! I'm getting up to pee a little less, so I'm really enjoying that aspect.
Symptoms: Lots of cramping again this week, which is hopefully more growth.
Best moment of this week: Seeing our baby girl at the morphology scan, putting her fingers into her mouth!
Miss anything: Hot baths filled with floaty Lush goodies. And I mean HOT baths!
Movement: I think we might be on the cusp now, as I'm feeling more tightenings and the occasional shifts.
Food cravings: I feel like mushrooms. Is that weird?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not too bad this week.
Gender: Girl!!
How's your mood? I'm excited this week. Feeling hopeful that maybe, just maybe, we can start being hopeful that there's actually going to be a new baby in a few months time - still scared, but just a little less.
Looking forward to: Hitting the halfway point in a few days time. This has felt like the slowest pregnancy OF ALL TIME, even though I'm sure it hasn't been that long really.
The Bump: Definitely starting to feel like it's showing now, and it's not just my usual belly. What do you think?
Monday, 23 May 2016
Pregnancy #5,
Oh, what a day.
I will write more when I have the energy to type properly, but I wanted to share this little snapshot of our newest little girl.
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Pregnancy #5
I was lying on my bed, flat on my back. Pajamas hastily shoved up and aside, bare belly exposed to the elements. I'd already used my doppler and found the baby's heartbeat softly beating away, giving me the flash of temporary reassurance that all was okay in that particular moment in time.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Pregnancy #5
Let's talk cravings.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Pregnancy #5
Baby! Mooooooooooove, please. Big, giant, movements. Help your momma out over here, ok?
How far along: 18 weeks + 2 days now.
How big is baby? Research says that the baby is approximately 14cm long & the size of a sweet potato!
Sleep: Not great at all, to my sadness. The cold turned into a flu, turned into a sinus infection, and I've been struggling to breathe when lying down. This poor little baby, I hope it's managing okay in there - because I've been feeling like a pretty awful host.
Symptoms: Not a lot this week, actually. I've mostly just been feeling rubbish.
Best moment of this week: Hitting 18 weeks is a pretty nice little milestone. :)
Miss anything: I miss sleeping!
Movement: Well, after last week's 'maybe' moments, this week has been back to quiet on the movement front. I am desperately waiting for the reassurance. I know, I know, it'll come.. eventually.
Food cravings: After watching Masterchef last night, I now want calamari. Which is weird, because I don't eat seafood.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just this horrible lurgy.
Gender: Girl!!
How's your mood? I'm mostly cranky and miserable - but I'm trying to be positive that all will be okay.
Looking forward to: Saturday and my 19 week scan... I want to see this little lady again!
The Bump: BLUMP.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Pregnancy #5,
We are still a house of sick over here - only this time it's ME that's down!
Friday, 13 May 2016
Pregnancy #5
I feel like we're back to going slowly again, but hopefully it keeps on keeping on. :)
How far along: 17 weeks + 3 days along.
How big is baby? These fruit comparisons always did get weird - isn't last week's avocado bigger than this week's onion?
Sleep: The dreaded cold lurgy has come back, and so none of us have been getting much sleep around here.
Symptoms: Mostly cramping. Makes me a bit anxious, but I'm hoping that means things are growing.
Best moment of this week: Seeing the baby again last week, and getting that cute little 3D glimpse of her.
Miss anything: I had a platter full of deli meats and soft cheese in front of me at a party on the weekend and I wanted to dive in headfirst and eat all of the things... but of course, I restrained!
Movement: On Mother's Day, I thought I felt something. Then on Tuesday morning, I had Georgia sitting on my lap and I swear I felt a nudge. Nothing since though, and nothing constant.
Food cravings: I feel like hot chips and gravy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Cooking meat. Barf.
Gender: Girl!!
How's your mood? I'm nervous this week, for some reason. Nervous that things have gone so smoothly these past few weeks, nervous that there might be something scary happening I don't know about, nervous that the morphology scan will show something scary. But also hopeful... hopeful we might just get there in the end this time.
Looking forward to: The weeks continuing to disappear, and the morphology scan in a fortnight's time.
The Bump: Still more belly than bump, bring on the growing, growing, growing!
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Pregnancy #5,
Happy Mother's Day to...
- Mums who have older children, who get to share their day with their grown up kids
- Mums who now have grandkids, who get to experience the day with even more little ones
- Mums who have wee ones, who will celebrate with a child of their own for the first time
- Mums who are single parents, who are the entire world to their little family
- Mums who have lost, who are missing the child/children they carried in their wombs & hearts
- Mums who have yearned, who are still waiting for their chance to become a parent
- Mums who have no children, who find this day so challenging
- Mums who have passed on, who we miss so, so much
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Had such a wonderful OB appointment today.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Pregnancy #5
Come on time, keep chugging along.. I can't believe it's MAY now!
How far along: 16 weeks and change. :)
How big is baby? This week, baby is as big as an avocado.
Sleep: Sleep is good, but I'm having irrational crazy rage dreams again! Last night it was dreaming about ordering a burger from McDonalds (I KNOW) and having a full on argument with a manager because it took too long to get food, and the burger was totally tiny. *sigh*
Symptoms: Cramping again this week, gross discharge, a lot of anxiety to know that everything is continuing as it should be.
Best moment of this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat consistently on the home doppler.
Miss anything: Hot baths.
Movement: Still nothing at all. It's starting to stress me out, but it doesn't matter so long as baby is fine.
Food cravings: I still want a strawberry milkshake.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing much this week, I'm feeling pretty blah food-wise -just that nothing sounds good, you know?
Gender: Girl!!
How's your mood? This week was a bit flat. I got scared for a while, had a lot of panic with some ridiculous amounts of discharge and cramps, and just general worry about the pregnancy. Hubby got diagnosed with whooping cough, so it's been a pretty crazy week health-wise.
Looking forward to: Seeing the baby tomorrow at the OB's office.
The Bump: Not that much different to last week, but I'm just hoping baby is growing well in there. :)
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Pregnancy #5,