Life with Two

Life with two is...

Sometimes it's cranky noises - the baby screaming, the preschooler yelling. Sometimes it's happy noises - the baby discovering her voice, the preschooler talk, talk, talking about everything & anything. Rarely is it quiet around here!
Since I'm lucky enough to be a stay at home Mum, I try and get out a little each day. Between the two girls, we always seem to have an appointment looming. Gone are the days of sleeping when the baby sleeps - always something to do. :) (And also why I blog so much less frequently these days!)
All about Food.
OH MY GOD, food. Georgia is hungry ALL THE TIME. I've done a freezer load of snacks to combat this, because I was getting so frustrated with her always asking for snacks. She's starting to get better thanks to her preschool (more structured times - so breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, etc) but she would snack all day if she could. Baby's finally in more of a routine with her feeding... and now she's starting solids too. Food. All day long.
My girls are my world. I love these two crazy kids. Hubby & I are so damn lucky!

3 Comments • Labels:  


Anonymous said...

They are pretty lucky to have you two as their parents!

dublinerinDeutschland said...

So cute. Sounds like you're kept busy!

Feisty Harriet said...

This post made me all teary. I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU, my dear!


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