Baby girl is plugging away in there, being cute and stubborn and bang on average - and I'm feeling surprisingly good! :)
Life is hectic without a lot of rest, but I figured the tiredness I was suffering from was just a result of standard pregnancy stuff - plus the added bonus of chasing the girls around and running everyone to appointments, etc. Turns out my iron levels have tanked and I need to get an infusion done next week. Apparently you feel better a little while afterwards, so I'm curious to see how it affects my energy levels!
We are just a few months away from meeting this little girl and I'm SUPER excited. This time with the girls we already had their nurseries done, and we were pretty organised. This time... well, we're taking it a bit easier - but I'm not wishing the time away. Knowing this is our last pregnancy, I'm trying to savour each kick and wiggle and bump, because I know how much I'll miss it when it's gone. I do love a pregnant belly!
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- Breathe Gently
- I'm Aly, mama of 4 girls from Sydney. We work alongside your favourite small businesses and share reviews, family life & everything in between. Find us on Instagram at @mamajags
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For all the details of our TTC journey, click here.
Baby #1's Birth Story