Tuesday 24 October 2023

A very big hello

It's been some time since I posted here, because I've been flat out working on my social media pages. 

If you're still following along, hello! If you're new here, welcome! 

The girls are growing like crazy - Emma is almost 2, Amelia is creeping towards 4, Claire is 7 and Georgia is 10.5 and well on her way to becoming a sassy teenager. 

In the past year, we've said goodbye to our two kitties - and we're still missing their furry little presence around our home. Spencer is still a happy old puppy, ruling the backyard and spending most of his days sleeping in the sunshine, living out his golden years. One day we'll add more fur babies to our lives, but not right now.
With both parents working, two kids in school, one toddler (soon to be two!) in daycare, life is busy, it's hectic, it's crammed with weekends full of sport and swimming lessons and messy houses - but we wouldn't change a thing! 

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